July 7, 2023
Closed during Summerfest
Closed during Summerfest
Closed during Summerfest
Closed - Happy Thanksgiving
John Sieger's Songwriting Clinic goes live, and celebrates the release of an album! "Ratso and Friends." Hear songs from a wide variety of aspiring bards, crooners and plunkers. No Cover so come on down! Doors at 7:00pm, Music at 7:30pm. No cover.
WAMI Open House. Free and open to the public, all are invited. Join us to learn more about WAMI and its important roots in the Wisconsin music industry. WAMI members and board members will be present to answer questions about how this very real organization works to improve the musical culture in the great state … Continued
Closed - Happy New Year!
No Poets Monday - Happy New Year!
No Acoustic Open Stage - Closed for the Week. Back next Wednesday!
No Live Music - Closed for the week
The Green Bay Packers return to the post season as the youngest playoff team in the history of the NFL! Come watch the game on our 8-foot HDTV projector (or 2 other HDTV's) and listen as Nik Kovac, Special Guest Maggie Daun, and Keith Gaustad turn the sound off and call the action live in … Continued
The Green Bay Packers return to the post season continues as the youngest playoff team since 1974 takes on the #1 seed San Francisco 49er's! Come watch the game on our 9-foot HDTV projector (or 2 other HDTV’s) and listen as Nik Kovac, Special Guest Maggie Daun, and Keith Gaustad turn the sound off and … Continued
Please join me for a Sunday afternoon of fun and conversation at Linneman's Riverwest Inn as I celebrate my 70th birthday. The mic will be there for musicians or politicians ('tis election season, after all.) Let's see what surprises will be in store. See you there!
Hey everyone ! Some of you know Stephen Vincent Anderson already - but for those of you unfamiliar he’s been a participant, official videographer and supporter/true believer status of AMU for almost a decade now. He also has made an awesome documentary about our crazy little event. He started before Covid and it’s officially ready … Continued
The doc is titled The Complete History of Space/Time (Destination Milwaukee). Why such an odd name? You'll have to watch the movie to find out! You can watch the trailer for it here: https://youtu.be/aoj5DCS8cPg?si=YnCEqg1AUuTwID2V As many of you already know, the project is quite epic in length: 6.5 hours total. Sigmund has had a long, unusual … Continued
Milwaukee’s most popular street festival with endless music, fun, & frolic! Join us! 11AM ’till 8PM Outdoors. Performers on Linneman’s Stages: Outdoor Stage: 11:30 Rock-A-Dials 1:00 Bourbon Jockeys 2:30 Deadelijk 4:30 Strangelander 6:30 … Continued
Closed during Summerfest
Closed during Summerfest
A Locust Street Bazaar (or street faire) with vendors, two acoustic busker stages of music & poetry, food and drink, a children's area with a petting zoo, coloring books and games, and a visit by the Milwaukee Fire Department complete with a fire engine and equipment demonstrations. Collection boxes will dot the street in support … Continued
A Locust Street Bazaar (or street faire) with vendors, two acoustic busker stages of music & poetry, food and drink, a children’s area with a petting zoo, coloring books and games, and a visit by the Milwaukee Fire Department complete with a fire engine and equipment demonstrations. Collection boxes will dot the street in support … Continued
Meet the Cast and Crew of this Award-winning TV show! Commander Todd teamed-up with "All Messed Up" alumni & cinematographer Stephen Vincent Anderson for Season 02, and the recently completed Episode 01 won "Best Web Series" at the Star City Film Festival in July. Two episodes from '23's Season 01 will also be shown to … Continued
Welcome to All Messed Up 13, Milwaukee’s annual randomized musical experiment that puts musicians together into bands randomly to see what perfect strangers can create together! IMPORTANT DATES: – OCTOBER 25: Registration Opens at 00:00/12:00am – DECEMBER 1 Drawing/Potluck @ Linneman’s 6pm doors. 7pm Drawing – JANUARY 5: Name your band by 23:59/11:59pm – FEBRUARY 14th … Continued
Come watch the Green Bay Packers on our 8-foot HDTV projector (or 2 other HDTV’s) and listen as Nik Kovac and Keith Gaustad turn the sound off and call the action live in our back room on our Hi-Def sound system!! Watch the Packers on the big screen as Nik and Keith call the Packers … Continued
Closed on Christmas
Join WXRW Riverwest Radio hosts Nik Kovac and Keith G. the Brümeister alongside Coach Lehman of Tosa East High as they call the Packers game live! We put those incredibly biased TV announcers on MUTE and call the game live!We also play music during the commercials and YOU provide the crowd noise! The bar will … Continued