Celebrity Sighting are a new band from Madison led by Tyler Fassnacht, aka Baby Tyler, and Danielle Tucci. They play ragged garage-pop that pleasingly merges hard-charging rock ‘n’ roll with the kind of indie-pop that proliferates from Oceania and the Midwest alike — “fuzzy bubblegum,” as see/saw calls it. With Fassnacht and Tucci shouting piercing melodies together over a scrappy, guitar-driven foundation, I can’t help but think of the great Times New Viking, though Celebrity Sighting’s debut They’re Just Like Us isn’t quite that lo-fi. Thematically, song titles like “Market Value” and “Are You Insured?” pair nicely with ones like “Hourglass,” “Survival,” and “Climate Change” — all aspects of the same fucked-up modern experience. Or as Celebrity Sighting put it on the ultra-catchy “Competitive Streak”: “I know they can be different/ But these problems are the same to me.” – Stereogum
Openers to be announced soon.
Doors 7:00pm, Music 8:00pm, $10